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왜 배움의 끝이 없징... 본문

여름이의 영어 이야기

왜 배움의 끝이 없징...

여름에 태어난 여름이 2020. 4. 23. 19:27

오늘 영어 배운 것!!

영어 읽은 스토리~~

제목: Narcissus

Narcissus was the beautiful son of a nymph and a river god. Narcissus was so beautiful that his mother warned him never to look upon his own face. Echo, a young nymph, was in love with Narcissus, but she had a peculiar problem in that she could only repeat what was said to her. Echo often waited in the forest in order to see Narcissus and she hoped Narcissus would love her in return but Narcissus only loved attention from others. One day, Narcissus heard something in the forest. "Who is here?" he called. It was Echo, who was waiting for him. Echo could only reply, "Here!" Narcissus found Echo and she threw herself on him. Narcissus was angry and shouted at Echo to keep her hands off him. Echo was so hurt by Narcissus response that she died from grief. As punishment for his cruel treatment of Echo, the goddess Aphrodite condemned Narcissus to fall in love with himself. Narcissus was near a pool of water and he saw his own reflection. He was so in love with the beautiful face that Narcissus kissed it and continued to gaze at it. Narcissus was mesmerized by the reflection and he could not leave the pool.                         So, he stopped eating and drinking and eventually died. In piy after Narcissus death, the gods changed Narcissus into a beautiful flower.

여기까지 제가 배운 단원 읽기입니다

다음은 단어 입니다~~


1: grief

2: reflection

3: gaze

4: mesmerize

5: repeat

6: peculiar 

--------------------이제는 단어 b입니다--------------------

1: to give notice 

2: to yell loudly

3: to give an unfavorable judgment

단어 B도 끝이에요~~

느낀 점: 내가 배운걸 여기에 적으면서 복습도 하고 다른 분들도 이거 조금이라도 읽고 

생각하면 영어를 조금이라도 다른 사람들보다 잘해지지 않을까요??

(노력은 배신하지 않으니까요 ㅎㅎ)

구독 공감 1번씩 눌러주시면 감사하겠습니다

지금까지 시청해주신 분들 여럼으로 감사합니다

'여름이의 영어 이야기' 카테고리의 다른 글

간단하지만 이해력이 필요해요...  (6) 2020.04.28